
Mosquito Reduction Program in Tampa

The State of Florida is characterized by generally poor drainage. Muck, marl, and other soils perpetually saturated or subject to flooding make up nearly half of the state's total land area. These vast areas of wetlands, together with thousands of grassy lake margins, constitute an enormous potential area for mosquito breeding. The primary pest mosquitoes in Florida are the salt marsh species. These species produce large numbers all around the coast of Florida.


The life cycle of a mosquito starts as eggs are deposited on damp soil where ground vegetation is thick. As rain or tidal floods reach these areas, the eggs will hatch and become larvae. In these tidal pools or temporary water holdings, the larvae wait to become pupa. The time passed between these stages depends on temperature and food availability.

In the adult stage, the female mosquito needs blood to produce eggs, whereas the male doesn't require a blood meal and feeds on nectar. The adult rests for at least 6 to 8 hours during the day. The resting areas consist of damp, shaded areas.

Mosquito | Tampa, FL | Tri-S Pest Control Service

Ways to Reduce the Population of Mosquitoes

Perimeter Treatments

Since mosquitoes lay to rest during the day in damp, shaded areas, this is where they are vulnerable. Treatments to shrubs, under trees, perimeters around a structure, porches, lanais, eaves, and windows effectively reduce the population.


Affects the larval stage of the mosquito. In this stage, the larvae swims up and down in the tidal pools or holding water. This action is performed to feed as well as breathe. The larvae will submerge to feed on organisms and return to the surface. The larvicide leaves a layer on the water's surface so the larvae can't breathe. These larvicides are placed in temporary water holdings such as bird baths, flower pots, tree holes, ditches, etc.

In2Care Mosquito Trap

The In2Care Mosquito Trap lures and contaminates Aedes mosquitoes with a special slow-killing larvicide and lets them spread this to other breeding sites (which are often hard to find and treat) so that mosquito larvae are not only killed inside the trap but also in its vicinity. This is combined with a biological adulticide that kills the contaminated mosquito after a few days to prevent her from transmitting viruses like Dengue or Zika. In this way, the product kills mosquitoes and their offspring, significantly reducing populations and lowering disease transmission risks.

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