The summer months in Tampa can be difficult if your home is susceptible to pest infestations, but there are some easy tips that you can use to keep your home clear of pests. Here are some of our tips:
• Look around your home regularly to see if there is any standing water. Standing water can lead to mosquito problems on your property, so eliminating standing water will help with this problem.
• If you need to throw away any old food, try to throw it out the day before your trash company comes to pick up. Leaving food out for an extended period of time can attract bugs.
• Make sure to have your home inspected by a pest control professional every year. This is especially important if you have had continuous issues with pests since a professional can help to treat the underlying issue.
Make Sure To Clean Up Your Clutter!
Homeowners often have more clutter than they would like to admit in their home, but it turns out that leaving clutter in your home can make you susceptible to pest infestations!
When we reference the term clutter, we’re including things like piles of paper or a full trash bin, which are things that pests like roaches love to hide in. Since these common pests are known for squeezing through small spaces to make their way into your home, it’s important to try your best to eliminate clutter.
Along with eliminating clutter in your home, it is crucial to inspect your home regularly for any cracks or holes in your walls, since this is the best way for pests to enter your home. While you’re cleaning, take a mental note of any holes or cracks that you see and make sure that you patch them up. By doing this, you can make sure that your home is completely safe!
At Tri-S Pest Control, we offer high-quality pest control services for our customers in the Tampa Bay, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg areas, and you can be assured that we will work to eliminate your pest control issues so that your home will be safe all year long. If you’re ready to learn more about our available services, then visit our website today!
The post Tips To Keep Your Home Pest-Free During The Summer appeared first on Tri-S Pest Control.
Phone: (813) 936-5850 | 1-800-410-5850
Address: 802 W Waters Ave Tampa, Florida 33604
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